Well, it's been a while since I've updated everyone and let them know how things are going for me here on my DTS. I made it to England : ) It was so amazing. Lecture fase looked like this for me....Ever morning we would start the day off with some worship and prayer which would be followed by our lecture for the day. Each week was a different topic. Some of the topics were; Spiritual warefare, Father heart of God, World view, and Communication. I was blessed with amazing speakers on each topic. Each week I found myslef walking away with things I would apply to the rest of my life and I learnt something new about myslef and God almost everyday. My team is amazing and I don't think I could have gone through this with any other group of people. ( We have nine girls and two boys ) We would then move onto and have an awesome lunch made by Mamma K :) and then move onto to work duties. I was on wash-up each day. It really was not what I would have picked for myself and the soap and water ruined my nails...but it wasn't so bad. The night usually was filled with some team activities or preparation for outreach.
Currently I am in a city named Helwan which is about half an hour from the heart of Cairo. Since being here we have done quit a few different things. So far some of the things we've done are; visiting a girls orphanage, playing with the kids on the streets near the place we are living, attending and speaking at many different churches, prayer walks, worship in parks, and trying to meet people and make friends. It really has been challenging for me. The culture is completley different and it has really tested my patience and taught me a lot about myslef. During the day here the streets are pretty quiet..but at night people come out of nowhere and the streets are filled with vendors and fruit stands! If you ever visit Egypt, watch out for the drivers :)
So, we have three more weeks here and I am really looking forwward to what God has planned for us...I really believe it is going to be something big. We will be leaving for Alexandria within the next few days. We don't really know what lies ahead for us and we are really praying for guidence from God. I am not very good at keeping my blog updated and I felt a bit convicted because of all the people that supported me in getting here probably want to know how I am doing. :) So i'm going to try and keep myself accountable and keep this updated regularly. Thank you for your support, thank you for your prayers.
Things you can pray for:
-For me to be open to the Holy Spirit for guidence
-Patience and endurance for the rest of the outreach
-Joy to fill the the days of my team and I
-I have a rash, pray for healing of that
Thank you!!
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